The Pig Turns Four

Happy Birthday, Painted Pig!

We are so excited to be celebrating fours years of fun and success at The Painted Pig. Some of our favorite accomplishments from the past years include:

- Over 263 birthday celebrations;

- 10 Girls' Nights Out a year (usually the third Thursday of every month!);

- Three summers packed full of kids' camps, including our popular Tea Party Camp;

- Bachelorette, bridal, sorority, and office parties; school, camp, and Girl Scout groups;

- Create your own Lilly Ollo silver jewelry (available for parties, by appointment, and on Girls' Night Out);

- New pottery glazes and crystal glazes (as of fall 2010) that are easy to use and give your pottery an earthy, natural look, straight out of the potter's studio;

- An array of ready to buy, ready to customize pre-painted items which make great gifts for any occasion;

- And new this month: Mosaics! We now offer a range of plaques, frames, and mirrors and all of the tessarae and necessary tools to create a unique mosaic piece.

This is already looking like an exciting year to come. In just the next month we plan on re-vamping the studio, trying a new brand of underglaze paints, and creating an efficient and easy-to-follow system for ordering custom painted pottery.

If there is one thing that the past four years have proved, it's that there is always something going on at The Painted Pig!